Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)

What is RAW?


Key words for RAW are BALANCE and EMPOWERMENT

There are 12 points of Being in the RAW healing method and all are used in sessions to bring balance to your energy body. The 12 points of Being are listed below.

There are 28 energetic access points touched to open these 12 Points of Being, plus the 13th and 14th Strands of DNA. These are listed below as well.


Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW*) is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional energy balancing system based on unique muscle testing method.  It enables the ancient wisdom to be rekindled within your cells, unlocking the healing potential within, so that you are able to heal yourself through all parts of the Being and dimensional pathways. The key mission of this healing method is Balance and Empowerment. It is designed to help you regain your personal power and let your Soul evolve.

It may help with any issue or concern you have; emotional, mental, physical or spiritual. The focus of RAW is to get the person back into their personal power, as it is from this point of power that changes can be made.

The 12 points of Being are accessed via specific points on the body before each balance, plus the 13th and 14th Strands of DNA.

These balances are done remotely with a same day follow-up via Zoom/Phone.

“You are your own healer ~ Allow this to take place” *RAW is founded by Pam Myers and Sally Worth, Australia

The 12 Points of The Being

Your Energy Knows

Did you know?

Your energy knows what is needed for you to heal in the highest and best way! There is no need to figure out which RAW balance is right for you. When you book a RAW balance your energies will decide which one to do. Book a remote balance today to get started on your healing journey!

What is RAW?

What can it do for you?

What are all the types of RAW balances?

  • RAW helps you to break old emotional patterns and belief systems that are holding issues in place, which ultimately hold you back in life.

    The basic principle of RAW is to rekindle the ancient knowledge within yourself, to allow you to heal yourself on multiple levels and dimensions. We have all come from a place when we knew how to heal ourselves, but over lifetimes and through traumas, our innate healing ability gets lost to a point where we believe that the imbalances in our system are normal.

    Traumas (which block our innate healing ability), do not have to be the “normal” any more!

    RAW is all about you having the power to change your life, to gently guide you along this path, so that you can realize your dreams and regain your power on every level. Become more empowered in every aspect of your life! You have the power to create change and to turn the light back on = find the switch and illuminate it within yourself!

    RAW’s mission is BALANCE and EMPOWERMENT; to help people become more empowered, allowing them to make the changes they need to take control of their lives, take responsibility for their own healing and empower themselves on every level so they can start to live the best version of themselves.

    Everyone has the power to change their circumstances. RAW can be the start of your self healing journey or a stepping stone on your self healing journey, to become your true, authentically, empowered self.

  • RAW works with the 12 Points of Being, as mentioned above, to correct emotions and affirmations and to bring the body’s energy field into balance, so you can return to what is your natural state.

    RAW corrects emotions and affirmations around any general issue or a specific issue; such as pain, stress, relationship issues, health, etc.

    By removing these subconscious energies it removes the stress associated with them and you naturally return to your balanced state.

    RAW uses a specific unique muscle testing finger mode to access energies not accessible in other healing modalities.

    A list of emotions and affirmations are used to muscle test to find the energies to be corrected to bring your body into balance. This method also uses visual symbols.

  • The Basis of a Level 1 Balance in RAW are:

    Emotions and Affirmations

    Focuses on correcting emotions and affirmations/beliefs around any issues that concern you to bring you into a whole balance.

    Releasing Surrogates

    Surrogates are energies that we take on and hold in our energy systems from other people, places or things. We can surrogate to our friends, family, partner, work colleagues, animals, global issues, places, concepts, emotions, etc.~ it can be from anything other than ourselves.

    Also includes deep corrections/healing on multidimensional levels of the following: Sabotages, Suppressions, Allergies, Stored memories, Attached energies, Developing the Soul, Kundalini imbalances, Chakra imbalances, Past life issues, Karmic issues, Genetic issues, and more!

    Level 1 Balance is for Anything - we live in a world that is energy based. Any stress creates and imbalance with in the energy and can therefore be balanced.

    Some of the things we frequently balanced are: Finances, Relationships, Physical conditions, Disempowerment, Self Confidence, Self Love, Self Worth, Fears, Work, Homes, Businesses, Wellbeing, Fatigue and Destiny Alignment.

  • Level 2 Balances

    The Main Balance - this looks at things like - self-love, self-worth, the hormones, the unconscious, vows and promises, metaphysical strands on the DNA, energetic implants, formations of the outer body.

    An Energies As One Balance - this looks at balancing the interaction between two or more people. Sometimes issues arise in a group dynamic that are not brought about by an individual/s, the issues are instead trapped in the combined energies of everyone. The energies as one balance clears out the feeder energy between people.

    Ideas for Energies as One Balance:

    • You and your partner

    • You and your children or specific child

    • You and your Mom or Dad or sibling

    • You and your business partner/s

    • You and your family

    • You and your doctor

    • You and money or your finances

    • You and your business

    • You and your destiny

    • You and a condition you have such as you and your weight

    • You and animals

    • You and your house or car

    • You and your potential

    • You and your intuition

    • Your family and your partners family

    • You and your gifts and talents

    • You and patience


    • A Family

    • A Workshops or Course

    • A School Reunion

    • All the People at Work

    • A Family Occasion eg Wedding, Birthday, Reunion

    If you can think of it you can do it!

    Brilliance Of Light Cycle Balance - this is a wonderful process for clearing the energy when you want a great balance. It is a quick simple yet powerful balance which looks at re-programming the frequency to the correct level. Altered frequency leads to dysfunction at any level. The Being has a frequency that allows health and happiness on every level. The frequency or “Brilliance Of Light Cycle” is like a tachometer in a car, it measures how hard the engine is revving. The Being is likened to an engine, and sometimes needs to go up a gear so that it is not working too hard and using up too much energy.

    The “Brilliance Of Light Cycle” will help to ensure that the Being is kept in balance, and that no part is over or under working. If each part of the Being is vibrating at the correct frequency, all energies will be compatible with each other and the engine will run smoothly.

    Physical Balance - this looks at identifying energy imbalances in the physical body. It pinpoints systems and places within those systems where the energy is compromised to help re-establish balance.

    The Physical Balance looks at the imbalances, problems and emotions within the systems of the body at a physical level. This balance was designed to look at how the physical body is being affected by energetic imbalances. Our physical body is our vehicle for this lifetime and needs to be balanced and pampered, not overlooked.

  • Level 3 Balances

    Overcoming Fear Balance

    This looks at what fears are in the systems. The fears scan list comprises over 150 fears including fears of failure, heights, snakes, being abandoned, missing out, illness etc... We all have fears locked within our systems, whether they be conscious, subconscious, unconscious, genetic etc.. . This balance helps to identify these fears. If we were to replace all our fears with love, life would run smoothly and our resistance to change, fear of our destiny and the future etc.... would be dissolved.

    Dissolving Foreign Energies Balance

    This looks at what distracting energies are in the systems and what is causing these distractions. This balance is designed to help us identify those energies that are foreign to us. By identifying those distracting energies, the Being as a whole has the chance to release the problems they are causing. Distracting energies come in many forms, from hooks and cords to addictions and television and much more.

    Personal Power Balance

    This looks at the cause of personal power imbalances and where the personal power is being lost. It is important for us to remain within our personal power, as it enables us to respond and not react, allowing us to keep calm, centered, grounded and at peace. This balance helps to identify where and why we are losing our personal power, so our own truth and integrity can be restored

    Immune System Balance

    This looks at the immune system both physically and metaphysically. We all have an immune system physically. It removes fungus, bacteria, viruses etc… . Metaphysically, it helps to remove fears, activates the body crystal, removes implants etc… . It is important to keep the immune system balanced, both physically and metaphysically, so we are not getting energetically drained by invading energies.

    House, Room and Land Balance

    Houses, rooms and land hold energy that can get unbalanced. The house we live in, the rooms it has, and the land it is on, are capable of holding traumas. This balance was designed to energetically clean the house, rooms and land, bringing about a peaceful environment for us to live, work and play. This is a great balance for a general energy clear out or if you are moving into a new home or if you are selling a home or if there is a specific issue with the house, room or land. Sell your home or property for the right price, at the right time and to the right person.

    Car Balance

    Did you know that your car holds energy from the time it was built and includes energy from who has worked on it? Our car is an energy that is capable of holding traumas, whether they be an accident or the brunt of our emotions. This balance is like an energetic mechanic to rebalance your cars energies.

  • Level 4 Balances

    Draining Energies Balance - looks at where the energies are draining from, the problem with the energies and the cause of draining.

    Cables Balance - looks at balancing the energy grid that keeps us grounded, centered and evolving. These cables connect us to the Earth and our evolutionary potential.

    Master Energy Keys Balance - takes the energies into a past life or future life to correct the imbalances and then integrate the energies into the present. This is done with the use of Master Energy Keys.

  • Level 5 Balances

    Releasing Attached Energies Balance - looks at what energies are attached to the systems and then by using a new level 5 Master Energy Key, releasing them.

    Eye and Vision Balance - balances the eyes both physically and metaphysically. It looks at the energies of eyesight as well as broader visions in life.

    Parts of the Being Balance - looks at balancing the 12 parts of the Being by identifying programs and information and imbalances within the subsystems. This is done using 12 new Master Energy Keys.

  • Kaleidoscope Balance - looks at balancing the crystal energy patterning system. The kaleidoscope is filled with the colors of the rainbow plus black and white and it spreads these colors through the whole energy system.

    Organs Balance - looks at the energy flow in the organs and what issues are being held within them.

    Business Balance - Looks at the energies of a business. A business can hold emotions, sabotages, fears and all sorts of issues and this process looks at helping the energies of the business to re-find balance.

  • Meters Balance - This balance looks at the 12 metering systems within our energies. The meters control the way our energies operate. There are meters for things like change, memory, support and protection, stress release, weight, aging, cell health, enlightenment etc. You will also get 9 new Master Energy Keys for this balance.

    Selves Balance - This balance looks at the selves which are the energy definitions we have within us. There are past, present, future, parallel, alternate and multiple selves. Each of these selves have 6 operating subsystems within them.

    Advanced Business Balance - This takes the business balances to a whole new level. The advanced business balance is a series of 3 balances especially designed to clear out the energies of businesses.

  • Level 8 Balances

    Love Balance – this balance looks at the programming in our love vibration, what love vibration is being attracted to us and how we view ourselves in love.

    Money Balance – this balance looks at what is programmed in our money vibration and what the causes of these programs are.

    Language Coding Balance – This balance looks at the universal language codings that get our energies to access, create and do certain things. The language codings look at things like the core of our existence, our genetics, what's in our cells, if we have any ritual energy patterning in place, our personal codings, mechanisms that raise our vibration and much more.

  • Level 9 Balances (Coming in May 2024)

    Soul Evolution Phase Balance – this looks at the phases of evolution in our Soul development and what is being held in this energy so that the space can be cleared.

    States of Consciousness Balance – looks at the levels of consciousness and what is being held within them. These energies feed through our layers of consciousness and can potentially create disruptions in all areas of life.

    Manifestation Balance – this balance looks at what is being held in our manifestation process. It looks at the causes of the block and where it is being blocked in our systems. There are also some visualizations and affirmations for manifestation.

    Lifetime DNA Balance – this looks at the lifetimes issues between 2 or more people that carry through lifetimes on our lifetime DNA. Lifetime DNA holds the experiences we have with people through repeating life experiences.

  • The list of advanced balances are:

    Level 10 Balances (Coming in June 2024)

    Dimensional DNA Balance - which looks at our multidimensional self to find imbalances which feed into our physical reality,

    Age Access Balance - which looks at what programs are in our system and at what age they went in so the system can reset itself right through to the present

    Self-Awareness Balance - which looks at Insights and Questions to help the system recognize unresolved imbalances.

    Level 11 Balances (Coming in July 2024)

    Relationship Balance - this looks at what relationships we attract into our lives and the repeating patterns we keep living. It looks at relationships of all forms, not just the relationship with a partner.

    Energy Restructure Balance - this looks at balancing our energy structure through our core, foundation and connection. If our energy structure is out of balance then we are unable to hold and sustain new energy as our energy keeps collapsing.

    States Balance - this looks at all the different disempowering states that our energy can go into. It looks at what issues are being held in these states and repatterning the system to come back to their point of power.

  • RAW sessions notes are not provided and nothing about the session can be saved. This is because the energy is to be released fully and keeping notes holds on to the energy we want released.

    If you have a non-live remote session, I will follow up with you via live Zoom or phone call to review the findings. This also cannot be saved. This follow-up must be same day (within 24 hours) as the balance information is not saved.

    Sessions may include these for supportive or protection: RAW Symbols, RAW Affirmation Books, Crystals, Essential Oils, RAW Sprays, Clear Spray, Smile Spray, and Angel Oracle Cards ( a message from the Angels).

    Your body is always in charge of the session and we go where the energy takes us and how it wants to communicate to heal you!

“I have tried other healing methods but Rekindled Ancient Wisdom has helped me find the peace I’ve been looking for and changed my life so profoundly on many levels. If you have tried other healing methods and not found the shifts you are looking for, please give RAW a try. I highly recommend! ~ Annie M

Rekindled Ancient Wisdom may help with anything such as

Additional issues that can be addressed in a

H4H Rekindled Ancient Wisdom Session

  • Goal Alignment

    Become more aligned you are and clear energies that are not in alignment with it so you can reach your goal!

    Turn the impossible into the POSSIBLE!

  • For your business and more

    Did you know?

    Energy work can be done for your business, land, home, food, plants and more!

  • Raise your Vibration

    Identify and release energies blocking your highest vibration

  • Positive Energies

    Clear, heal and release deep patterns to allow positive energies to take hold so you can create more positive experiences!

  • Change Beliefs

    Change beliefs by releasing negative beliefs and installing new positive beliefs

    Release the stress in your energy field around positive and negative issues!

  • Release Negative Energies

    Release negative energies such as stagnant emotions, oaths, contracts and negative beliefs that you have held deeply for many lifetimes. Move through challenges with less stress and less internal turmoil and be free forever!

Types of RAW Personal Balances

Types of RAW Balances

Types of RAW Specialty Balances

Types of RAW Business Balances

Group Rekindled Ancient Wisdom Balance

This Group RAW Balance is all about elevating your relationship with life!

Looking for a solution to relieve the stress, anxiety and feeling emotionally unfulfilled in your life? Are you also wanting more meaning to your life? Are you looking to up-level your life but don't know how?

Experience a more fulfilling and meaningful connection to life and elevate your personal vibration of self empowerment! This is a POWERFUL healing balance that creates long lasting results and effects in all areas of your life! UPLEVEL your life today

Every 4th Wednesday at 7pm Central Time join in on a GROUP Balance that is focused on issues such as Love, Health, Joy, Freedom, Peace, Wellness, Abundance, and other concepts/themes to up-level your life!

Each person also will submit ONE issue they want to work on.

Live via Zoom. *No session notes & no recording are provided

If you are not able to attend live, you can still benefit! Your name will be added to the group healing & you receive the same benefits!

Got Questions?

Schedule a Free Discovery Consultation to learn more

Rekindled Ancient Wisdom

Did you know? RAW sessions reference an emotional list of 304 emotions and 7 affirmation books containing over 38,500 affirmations!

For more information about the books and what is on the list it can help balance for you see the link below

Disclaimer: The balancing procedures and techniques used in Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW) are based on channeled information and are in no way designed to replace medical practices or medical advice given to people. Any healing that takes place, is within the integrity of the client. Quoting from any of the lists in any of the books should be allowed free interpretation by the client’s body. The authors (Pam Myers and Sally Worth) and Healing 4 Hearts LLC make no claim to cure any illness or disease, nor do they diagnose or prescribe any medical advice to anyone. They do not discourage any clients from seeking medical advice. We are not medical practitioners, we balance energy.