Hi! I’m Diana - The first thing you should know about me is that I love the Redwood trees in Northern California and the Pacific Ocean! I love national parks, animals, flowers, butterflies, bees and sunsets. The second thing is that I enjoy traveling, seeing new things and learning about this big, beautiful world we live in. I like to meet people and talk to them about their life. And lastly, I believe in the energy healing modalities I’ve learned that have helped me greatly on my path to heal, find true peace and fulfillment in my life.

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis over a decade ago. I became disabled in a short time; unable to walk without assistance and unable to continue working a “normal” 9-5 job. It has been a difficult journey and I have learned a lot about myself, others and life. I began searching for answers to improve my health and rebuild my life. I chose alternative methods to heal my emotions, body, mind and Spirit. I’m thankful for the physical healing I was able to receive but mostly I transformed from the inside out with energy healing modalities I discovered. I found that my illness was deeply rooted in my childhood emotional trauma that I “stuffed” plus the emotional and verbal abuse I endured in my life, and in romantic relationships. It deeply affected my well-being. I discovered I needed to heal my past to experience life in a more positive way. And because these energy healing modalities have changed my life in such a positive way, I want to help others and heal the planet, one heart at a time.

I also discovered how sensitive to energy I am. I am very interested energy and how we can change our energy so we can improve our life experience from the inside out. This has led me to read many books, study many programs and energy modalities. I’m a Certified Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code Practitioner, and an advanced Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner. I am also a Certified Rekindled Ancient Wisdom Level 8 Practitioner, Certified InnerSpeak Empowerment Level 2 Practitioner, Certified Integrated Soul Activations Money Light Codes Level 2 Practitioner, Certified Integrated Soul Activations Light Codes and Energy Clearing Practitioner and Certified Oracle Guide from the Oracle School by Colette Baron-Reid. I am a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Empowerment Life Coach, Confidence Life Coach, & Abundance and Manifestation Life Coach. I am also a college honors graduate with an Associate Degree in Supervisory Management.

In mid 2021, I discovered AO Scan by Solex. This device and the frequencies are improving my health, well-being and creating amazing, powerful shifts and positive results! These AO Scan healing quantum frequencies have helped me and my body’s energy field become in resonance with the frequencies allowing me to shift and heal faster. I’ve experienced a way to elevate my personal frequency vibration, overall health and well-being + more - and you can too! I am excited to show you how! A great place to begin is to join the 21 Day Inner Voice Challenge to experience frequency healing from just the sound of your voice!

In addition to working with clients one on one and in groups, I’m creating and building a community of well-being, frequency, vibration and health minded people and I would love to have you join us! To find out more, please contact me.

Due to my life journey and experiences, I am focused on helping my clients discover their true, authentic self and live an empowered life with more love and joy; by finding and releasing energies that no longer serve them and that do not align with the truth of who they really are. I am focused on helping heal their 4 hearts; emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. I help everyone whom I cross paths with and offer many different services to meet you wherever you are at in life, so if it resonates with you to reach out, I encourage you to schedule a FREE Discovery Consultation with me.

I am really glad you are here and I look forward to connecting with you.

How may I help you on your life journey?

The photos above are from my travels to the California Redwoods, Pacific Ocean, Utah, Rocky Mountains, Grand Canyon, Sequoia National Park, and the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Michoacán, Mexico