H4H Group Healings

Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code Group Healings are every Friday at 1:00pm Central Time

Abundance & Prosperity, ThetaHealing, InnerSpeak Empowerment, Rekindled Ancient Wisdom, and Coaching group healings are Wednesday at 7:00pm Central Time

Integrated Soul Activations weekly group every Wednesday at 8:30pm Central Time

Single sessions $33.33

For a list of all scheduled H4H group healings click here

Did you know? People have stated that there is “magic” to these group healings!

“The power of an intention multiplies, depending upon how many people are thinking the same thought at the same time.” ~ The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart


What is a Group Healing?

A group healing is similar to a one-on-one session, but instead of focusing on just one person, it is focused on a group of people. The energy clearing (or healing) is done for more than one person at the same time.

When you join a group, each individual will set personal intentions for the group healing. These intentions are very powerful and are the key to your personal experience in the group healing.

There is also a main topic and theme for each group healing, determined by the group participants or practitioner, which is designed to provide the highest and best outcome for you and the group.

The practitioner connects with the group to clear blockages and resistance to the desired topic outcome and personal intentions for each healing.

A group healing provides significant cost savings for each participant, while still being very effective and transformational.


Is a Group Healing for You?

Benefits to a group session include:

Focused topic/theme

Individual intentions set

Significant cost savings/Affordable option

Participate in multiple group healings

Raise your vibration

Experience positive outcomes overall in your life

Effective and Transformational

Group Healing Information


What to expect:

The group healing options are: Abundance & Prosperity, ThetaHealing, InnerSpeak Empowerment*, Rekindled Ancient Wisdom*, Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code and Holistic Coaching.

Each group healing is held once a week on a rotating basis. Check the calendar above for dates and types.

A Zoom link will be emailed to the group participants a few hours before the group healing. If you are not able to join live, please note you will still receive all the healing benefits!

Please note: The group healings are never the same healing twice so If you have taken a group healing once, it is very beneficial to repeat as often as you wish and level up!

**Rekindled Ancient Wisdom and InnerSpeak group healings are not recorded and no replay is available. All other group healings are recorded and a replay is available for a limited time or notes are provided.


What results can you expect?

Benefits and results to clearing via a group session include*:

Release blockages and resistance ~ shift to a natural flow state of allowing

Raises your personal vibration and aura field

Raise your magnetic law of attraction point; attract better

Experience positive shifts and outcomes overall in your life

Experience more joy and emotional fulfillment

*Personal results vary

Group Healing Topics

Got a question about group healings?

Let’s connect and discuss which group healing can best help you create the changes you want in your life.

Did you know? Group Healing topics listed above make for great one-on-one sessions too!

Consider working with me directly for more transformational results.

Or combine one-on-one sessions with group healings. I can help you with a strategy and plan.