Emotion Code

Is Emotion Code for you?

A good place to start is to watch the video below

(Preview from the E-motion 2.0 movie. No copyright intended)

Lose what needs to be lost

To find what needs to be found


Emotion Code



What is a Heart-Wall?

The Heart-Wall interferes with your ability to give and receive love, to connect with other people, to feel positive emotions and to manifest pure creation that lies in your heart. 93% of people have a Heart-Wall.

~ Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC


Clear your Heart-Wall

with Emotion Code

Benefits to clearing your Heart-Wall include:

Depression and anxiety may disappear

Suddenly in love and/or relationships improve

Give and receive love more freely

Releases abundance blocks

Experience positive outcomes overall in your life

Experience more safety and emotional fulfillment

Releasing your Heart-Wall is the #1 place to start to improve all areas of your life!

Your Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

Overview of the amazing and vital role of the heart in our lives, and how our personal energetics shapes our social relationships and ultimately affects global consciousness.

A video about the brain and heart coherence by HeartMath Institute.

Did you know? By clearing your Heart-Wall with Emotion Code, this is one way you are bringing this coherence into balance and for the world!

“If you’re going to achieve everything that you’re capable of achieving, you need to have a heart that is open and you need to be able to express all that is in your heart”

— Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC